What is?
The Regional Pedestrianism Meeting is a sporting event that has as its assumed intention the joining and respective fraternization of the most diverse groups/clubs/associations that routinely travel the ancestral ways of communication (understood by footpaths, levadas and paths) of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
Where does it take place?
The Regional Pedestrianism Meeting takes place exclusively in the territory belonging to the municipality of São Vicente. The first four meetings took place at the picnic park in Chão dos Louros - São Vicente. However, as of the fifth edition (2019), it is intended that the site of convergence of the various groups will rotate - always within the area adjacent to the municipality of São Vicente - in places of natural and scenic interest with logistical and safety conditions assured. As such, it is expected that the V Regional Pedestrianism Meeting will take place at the site of Lamaceiros (Fajã do Penedo) - Parish of Boa Ventura.
Why does it happen?
The Autonomous Region of Madeira is considered, by itself, as one of the most sought after tourist destinations, essentially for the practice of hiking, given its unique conditions derived from its unique nature and heritage built by its "stoic and brave people". ".
Since its colonization, the people of Madeira have been used to finding solutions to overcome the difficulties imposed by the irregular relief of its territory, namely, with regard to its road network. From then on, in specific time periods, the paths, levadas and paths gained the status of essential for a more accessible daily life (as much as possible). Parallel to this need, authentic engineering works were built that deserve, today, the greatest recognition and admiration of the thousands of hikers who go "on the way" daily all over Madeira.
Aware of the existence of groups / clubs / local associations that regularly traverse Madeira from end to end, this event is a strong contribution to the appreciation, camaraderie and fraternization of those who, not being too far from the truth, are considered as authentic guardians of what differentiates and identifies us, our cultural heritage.
When does it take place?
The Regional Walking Meeting is always held in May, on a date to be defined annually, always coinciding with a weekend.
How is it done?
In the Regional Walking Meeting , groups/clubs/associations freely define their path, always culminating in the previously stipulated location for the meeting itself. Upon arrival at the aforementioned location, there is a great social gathering/fraternization between the hikers present, complemented with a lunch (pasta).
Official event jersey

2019 Edition
The V Regional Pedestrianism Meeting will be held at Sítio dos Lamaceiros | Boa Ventura - São Vicente (Madeira) on May 25, 2019. Interested Clubs / Associations / Groups, after carefully reading the Regulations for this event, may register pedestrians using the link below. However, no individual entries will be accepted. All entries must (mandatory) be associated with an Association/Club/Group partner of the event (alphabetical order):
Ponta do Sol DNA;
Friends of the Electricity Company;
Friends of Nature;
Friends of Laurissilva;
Associação Caminho Real da Madeira;
Jardim da Serra Cultural and Sports Association;
Galomar Sports Association;
Água de Pena Sports and Recreational Association;
Ear Cap;
Hiking Sonia & Company;
Wild Walkers;
St. George's Walkers;
Northern Walkers - Arco de São Jorge;
Valley to Mountain Hikers;
St. Vincent Pilgrimage Walkers;
House of the People of Camacha;
Free Feet Club;
Madeira Adventure Club;
Funchal Athletics Club;
Madeira Camping Club;
Santana School Sports Club;
Porto da Cruz School Sports Club;
Estreito School Club;
School Club "O Liceu";
Porto Moniz Sports and Cultural Club;
Clube Futebol Andorinha - Santo António;
Funchal Mountain Club;
Clube Naval de São Vicente;
Clube Naval do Seixal;
Parish of Boa Ventura;
Santo António Camping Group;
Corticeiras Sports Group;
Estreito Sports Group;
Ludens Club Machico;
Wood from E to E;
The Levadeiro;
RETOIÇA - Cultural, Sports and Recreational Association;
RN - Records & Nature;
Pedestrian Rosary;
Walking Mountains;
Goats Paths;
Paths and Levadas.
Interested hikers should express their interest in participating in the event with the person in charge, appointed by each Club/Association/Group, who will collect the necessary data and registration fee and who, in turn, will hold an exclusive password for the event, will carry out the respective registration.
If there is an interest in joining an Association/Club/Group not included in the above list, an expression of interest must be made via email associacaoretoica@gmail.com requesting such integration.
Note: For all intents and purposes, Retoiça - Associação Cultural, Desportiva e Recreativa is not responsible for the careless or incomplete introduction of pedestrian data on the registration platform (https://www.retoica.com/inscricoes-pedestrianismo).
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