The basic idea of this series of concerts ”Da Vinha ao Lagar” is to hold concerts next to vineyards and/or mills with public access to be held in September 2022, as part of the Wine Festival, promoted by the Secretaria Regional do Turismo e Cultura.
Therefore, this cycle is based on the performance of four concerts in a natural space, with suitable groups and that share the aforementioned concept, on a stage properly prepared and decorated for this purpose, always next to a vineyard and/or mill.
Due to the tenuous sound propagation in open space, these concerts will have to be properly acoustically amplified.
It is intended to carry out the aforementioned concert in iconic places with an associated wine-making tradition (to be defined) on the island of Madeira, which is identified as a safe, accessible place of heritage interest. As such, by indication of the Secretaria Regional do Turismo e Cultura, the following locations were determined in:
Museu Etnográfico da Madeira (Ribeira Brava);
Quinta da Vinhas (Estreito da Calheta);
Solar do Aposento (Ponta Delgada);
Quinta do Barbusano (São Vicente).
Creativity and the search for new proposals and challenges are part of Retoiça's DNA. The incessant search for novelty encourages us to dream and imagine possible themed events that fit primarily into our social object and, if possible, into projects such as, for example, the Wine Festival.
Madeira, with its history strictly linked to the production of wines, justifies by itself the realization of events dedicated to the wine theme. However, we believe that this proposal of ours could brighten and enhance the festivities dedicated to the mythological nectar of the gods.
The period proposed for this cycle of concerts is always part of the Wine Festival, according to the tourist entertainment calendar promoted by the Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture.
September 03 and 04, 2022
September 10 and 11, 2022
For these concerts, it is intended to invite distinguished and suitable artists / groups, who often collaborate with activities from the RETOIÇA universe (in general). Therefore, and in chronological order of concerts we had:
L.E.Q.U.E 4et (Craviola; Portuguese Guitar; Accordion; Percussion);
Sena Collective (Voice; Guitars; Bass; Piano; Percussion);
Madeira Divas Duo (Voice and Piano);
Black Dog Blues (Voice; Guitar, Bass; Drums).
These concerts, being in open space, will be slightly amplified. It should be noted that this amplification will in no way improve the purity of the sound of the groups, being only guaranteed that the sound produced by them reaches equally (as far as possible) all the public present in spaces that, as is known, are outdoors.
Furthermore, it is our intention to proceed with the subtle assembly of small platforms (3x3; 4x4; 5x5 - according to the groups) with a tent decorated with motifs alluding to the Wine Festival, in order to guarantee the comfort and adequate setting for the artists and their instruments.
It should also be noted that these concerts will last approximately 60 minutes (without intermission)
Alignment 2022
Trio Zargo
(Braguinha; Rajão; Viola d'arame; Baixo)
14 de Setembro de 2024
17 horas
Micaela Setim Fado
(Voz; Guitarra Portuguesa; Craviola; Baixo)
15 de Setembro de 2024
17 horas
Alignment 2022
(Voz; Rajão; Viola d'arame; Ukelele baixo; Percussão)
16 de Setembro de 2023
17 horas
Quarteto Pedro Marques
(Guitarra Portuguesa; Craviola; Baixo; Percussão)
17 de Setembro de 2023
17 horas
Alinhamento 2022
FAN 4et
(Craviola; Portuguese Guitar; Accordion; Percussion)
September 03, 2022
18 hours

Sena Collective
(Voice; Guitars; Bass; Piano; Percussion)
September 04, 2022
18 hours