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Sport, namely the activity dedicated to the health and well-being aspect, is another constant mainstay in the social object of Retoiça - Cultural, Sports and Recreation Association. Get to know a little more about our sports projects and the association's path.


Regional Walking Meeting

Since May 2015

The Regional Walking Meeting is a sporting event that has as its assumed intention the joining and respective fraternization of the most diverse groups/clubs/associations...


Madeira Hiking Meeting

Since October 2022

Madeira Hiking Meeting is to make the most of and make the most of one of the most sought after activities (or even the most sought after) by tourists visiting the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Pedestrianism...

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Contraband Route

Since March 2017

At the beginning of the last century, Madeira was known for the brandy island. Excessive consumption of this drink becomes a social problem. In 1927 34 sugarcane mills closed down, production decreased...


Soups Route

Since June 2018

The Route of Soups is a hiking event with the aim of promoting sports culture and recreation combined with a people that insists on preserving its traditions, in this case, food.


Guidance Section

since 2021

Retoiça - Cultural, Sports and Recreation Association since May 2021 has made efforts to create an Orienteering section with associated athletes. As such, he submitted the application for membership in the Portuguese Orienteering Federation...

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since 2022

ORITOIÇA is the name for orienteering events organized by Retoiça - Associação Cultural, Desportiva e Recreativa.  

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